Goods and Services Tax – Started By: – Udaya Kiran – Dated:- 23-8-2016 Last Replied Date:- 11-9-2016 – Hello Sir,We have a business of booking rice mill machinery, Manufactured by X Company, to rice millers in Andhra Pradesh for which the X company pays commission to me. After GST, can we continue as it is or is it necessary that we purchase from X company and sell it to rice millers.Thank you. – Reply By KASTURI SETHI – The Reply = Sh.Udaya Kiran Ji, After the implementation of GST, the concept of Service will not abolish. It is subsumed into GST. In my view, it will continue. – Reply By Udaya Kiran – The Reply = Dear Sir,Thank you for the reply. – Reply By CS SANJAY MALHOTRA – The Reply = I fully endorse the views of Sh. Kasturi ji. Taxa
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