section 15(2)(d) included in value of transaction-taxes paid

Goods and Services Tax – Started By: – ashwin kumar – Dated:- 10-8-2016 Last Replied Date:- 11-8-2016 – Dear sir, As per section 15(2)(d) of CSGT/SGST Act 2016 , any taxes duties etc are to be included in the transaction value for applying GST rate tax. Does this mean, in case of Import customs duty shall part of transaction value while applying IGST rate. If so, whether still cascading exists. thank you – Reply By Ganeshan Kalyani – The Reply = Sir, Section 15 (2)(d) of GST Act states that, 'any taxes, duties, fees and charges levied under any statute other than the SGST Act or the CGST Act or the IGST Act;' The above provision states that any taxes other than the GST (briefly) would form part of value of transaction. Customs duty

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y case it is not be understood these taxes would then be elapsed. It would be there but their name is IGST and not CVD and SAD. Thanks. – Reply By ashwin kumar – The Reply = sir, I understood what you have said, my main intention to ask this is because, the aim of GST is to avoid tax on tax, if then why again the same type of clause is introduced in new regime.thanks – Reply By Ganeshan Kalyani – The Reply = Sir, even in the proposed GST all the taxes have not been subsumed. Thus there would be another amendment on which the houses shall be debating. However on the taxes been subsumed the rate shall be hiked on calculated basis. Sir, Customs duty is levied to control imports and exports and in my view this duty shall be there for the purpos

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