Amendment of Seventh Schedule.

Section 17 – Amendment Acts – The Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016 – Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016 – Section 17 – Amendment of Seventh Schedule. 17. In the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution,- (a) in List I – Union List,- (i) for entry 84, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:- 84. Duties of excise on the following goods manufactured or produced in India, namely:- (a) petroleum crude; (b) high speed diesel; (c) motor spirit (commonly known as petrol); (d) natural gas; (e) aviation turbine fuel; and (f) tobacco and tobacco products. ; (ii) entries 92 and 92C shall be omitted; (b) in List II – State List,- (i) entry 52 shall be omitted; (ii) for entry 54, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:- 54. Taxes on the sale of petroleum crude, high speed diesel, motor spirit (commonly known as petrol), natural gas, aviation turbine fuel and alcoholic liquor for human consumption, but not including sale in the course of

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while on such deployment.] 3. Delimitation of cantonment areas, local self-government in such areas, the constitution and powers within such areas of cantonment authorities and the regulation of house accommodation (including the control of rents) in such areas. 4. Naval, military and air force works. 5. Arms, firearms, ammunition and explosives. 6. Atomic energy and mineral resources necessary for its production. 7. Industries declared by Parliament by law to be necessary for the purpose of defence or for the prosecution of war. 8. Central Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation. 9. Preventive detention for reasons connected with Defence, Foreign Affairs, or the security of India; persons subjected to such detention. 10. Foreign affairs; all matters which bring the Union into relation with any foreign country. 11. Diplomatic, consular and trade representation. 12. United Nations Organisation. 13. Participation in international conferences, associations and other bodies and implementi

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ulation of such education and training provided by States and other agencies. 26. Lighthouses, including lightships, beacons and other provision for the safety of shipping and aircraft. 27. Ports declared by or under law made by Parliament or existing law to be major ports, including their delimitation, and the constitution and powers of port authorities therein. 28. Port quarantine, including hospitals connected therewith; seamen's and marine hospitals. 29. Airways; aircraft and air navigation; provision of aerodromes; regulation and organisation of air traffic and of aerodromes; provision for aeronautical education and training and regulation of such education and training provided by States and other agencies. 30. Carriage of passengers and goods by railway, sea or air, or by national waterways in mechanically propelled vessels. 31. Posts and telegraphs; telephones, wireless, broadcasting and other like forms of communication. 32. Property of the Union and the revenue therefrom,

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notes and other like instruments. 47. Insurance. 48. Stock exchanges and futures markets. 49. Patents, inventions and designs; copyright; trade-marks and merchandise marks. 50. Establishment of standards of weight and measure. 51. Establishment of standards of quality for goods to be exported out of India or transported from one State to another. 52. Industries, the control of which by the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest. 53. Regulation and development of oilfields and mineral oil resources; petroleum and petroleum products; other liquids and substances declared by Parliament by law to be dangerously inflammable. 54. Regulation of mines and mineral development to the extent to which such regulation and development under the control of the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest. 55. Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oilfields. 56. Regulation and development of inter-State rivers and river va

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he Aligarh Muslim University and the 4 [Delhi University; the University established in pursuance of article 371E]; any other institution declared by Parliament by law to be an institution of national importance. 64. Institutions for scientific or technical education financed by the Government of India wholly or in part and declared by Parliament by law to be institutions of national importance. 65. Union agencies and institutions for- (a) professional, vocational or technical training, including the training of police officers; or (b) the promotion of special studies or research; or (c) scientific or technical assistance in the investigation or detection of crime. 66. Co-ordination and determination of standards in institutions for higher education or research and scientific and technical institutions. 67. Ancient and historical monuments and records, and archaeological sites and remains 5 [declared by or under law made by Parliament] to be of national importance. 68. The Survey of In

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ident and Governors; salaries and allowances of the Ministers for the Union; the salaries, allowances, and rights in respect of leave of absence and other conditions of service of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. 76. Audit of the accounts of the Union and of the States. 77. Constitution, organisation, jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme Court (including contempt of such Court), and the fees taken therein; persons entitled to practise before the Supreme Court. 78. Constitution and organisation 6 [(including vacations)] of the High Courts except provisions as to officers and servants of High Courts; persons entitled to practise before the High Courts. 7[79. Extension of the jurisdiction of a High Court to, and exclusion of the jurisdiction of a High Court from, any Union territory.] 80. Extension of the powers and jurisdiction of members of a police force belonging to any State to any area outside that State, but not so as to enable the police of one State to exercise powers and j

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of succession to property other than agricultural land. 89. Terminal taxes on goods or passengers, carried by railway, sea or air; taxes on railway fares and freights. 90. Taxes other than stamp duties on transactions in stock exchanges and futures markets. 91. Rates of stamp duty in respect of bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, bills of lading, letters of credit, policies of insurance, transfer of shares, debentures, proxies and receipts. 30[92. xxx] 8[92A. Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than newspapers, where such sale or purchase takes place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.] 9[92B. Taxes on the consignment of goods (whether the consignment is to the person making it or to any other person), where such consignment takes place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.] 30[92C. xxx] 93. Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in this List. 94. Inquiries, surveys and statistics for the purpose of any of the matters in this

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with other States for the use of prisons and other institutions. 5. Local government, that is to say, the constitution and powers of municipal corporations, improvement trusts, district boards, mining settlement authorities and other local authorities for the purpose of local self-government or village administration. 6. Public health and sanitation; hospitals and dispensaries. 7. Pilgrimages, other than pilgrimages to places outside India. 8. Intoxicating liquors, that is to say, the production, manufacture, possession, transport, purchase and sale of intoxicating liquors. 9. Relief of the disabled and unemployable. 10. Burials and burial grounds; cremations and cremation grounds. 13***** 12. Libraries, museums and other similar institutions controlled or financed by the State; ancient and historical monuments and records other than those 14 [declared by or under law made by Parliament] to be of national importance. 13. Communications, that is to say, roads, bridges, ferries, and oth

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rds subject to the provisions of entry 34 of List I; encumbered and attached estates. 23. Regulation of mines and mineral development subject to the provisions of List I with respect to regulation and development under the control of the Union. 24. Industries subject to the provisions of 16[entries 7 and 52] of List I. 25. Gas and gas-works. 26. Trade and commerce within the State subject to the provisions of entry 33 of List III. 27. Production, supply and distribution of goods subject to the provisions of entry 33 of List III. 28. Markets and fairs. 17****** 30. Money-lending and money-lenders; relief of agricultural indebtedness. 31. Inns and inn-keepers. 32. Incorporation, regulation and winding up of corporations, other than those specified in List I, and universities; unincorporated trading, literary, scientific, religious and other societies and associations; co-operative societies. 33. Theatres and dramatic performances; cinemas subject to the provisions of entry 60 of List I;

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e or out of the Consolidated Fund of the State. 43. Public debt of the State. 44. Treasure trove. 45. Land revenue, including the assessment and collection of revenue, the maintenance of land records, survey for revenue purposes and records of rights, and alienation of revenues. 46. Taxes on agricultural income. 47. Duties in respect of succession to agricultural land. 48. Estate duty in respect of agricultural land. 49. Taxes on lands and buildings. 50. Taxes on mineral rights subject to any limitations imposed by Parliament by law relating to mineral development. 51. Duties of excise on the following goods manufactured or produced in the State and countervailing duties at the same or lower rates on similar goods manufactured or produced elsewhere in India:- (a) alcoholic liquors for human consumption; (b) opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs and narcotics, but not including medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol or any substance included in sub-paragraph (b) of t

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ecified in the provisions of List I with regard to rates of stamp duty. 64. Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in this List. 65. Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court, with respect to any of the matters in this List. 66. Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including fees taken in any court. List III – Concurrent List 1. Criminal law, including all matters included in the Indian Penal Code at the commencement of this Constitution but excluding offences against laws with respect to any of the matters specified in List I or List II and excluding the use of naval, military or air forces or any other armed forces of the Union in aid of the civil power. 2. Criminal procedure, including all matters included in the Code of Criminal Procedure at the commencement of this Constitution. 3. Preventive detention for reasons connected with the security of a State, the maintenance of public order, or the maintenance of supplies an

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t and the High Courts.] 12. Evidence and oaths; recognition of laws, public acts and records, and judicial proceedings. 13. Civil procedure, including all matters included in the Code of Civil Procedure at the commencement of this Constitution, limitation and arbitration. 14. Contempt of court, but not including contempt of the Supreme Court. 15. Vagrancy; nomadic and migratory tribes. 16. Lunacy and mental deficiency, including places for the reception or treatment of lunatics and mental deficients. 17. Prevention of cruelty to animals. 22[17A. Forests. 17B. Protection of wild animals and birds.] 18. Adulteration of foodstuffs and other goods. 19. Drugs and poisons, subject to the provisions of entry 59 of List I with respect to opium. 20. Economic and social planning. 23[20A. Population control and family planning.] 21. Commercial and industrial monopolies, combines and trusts. 22. Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes. 23. Social security and social insurance; employment and

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ports. 32. Shipping and navigation on inland waterways as regards mechanically propelled vessels, and the rule of the road on such waterways, and the carriage of passengers and goods on inland waterways subject to the provisions of List I with respect to national waterways. 25[33. Trade and commerce in, and the production, supply and distribution of,- (a) the products of any industry where the control of such industry by the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest, and imported goods of the same kind as such products; (b) foodstuffs, including edible oilseeds and oils; (c) cattle fodder, including oilcakes and other concentrates; (d) raw cotton, whether ginned or unginned, and cotton seed; and (e) raw jute.] 26[33A. Weights and measures except establishment of standards.] 34. Price control. 35. Mechanically propelled vehicles including the principles on which taxes on such vehicles are to be levied. 36. Factories. 37. Boilers. 38. Electricity. 39.

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. Inserted by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, Section 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 2. The words and letters "specified in Part A or Part B of the First Schedule" omitted by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, Section 29 and Schedule 3. Entry 33 omitted by Section 26. ibid. 4. Substituted by the Constitution (Thirty-second Amendment) Act, 1973, Section 4, for "Delhi University and" (w.e.f. 1-7-1974). 5. Substituted by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, Section 27, for "declared by Parliament by law". 6. Inserted by the Constitution (Fifteenth Amendment) Act, 1963, Section 12 (with retrospective effect). 7. Substituted by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, Section 29 and Schedule , for entry 79. 8. Inserted by the Constitution (Sixth Amendment) Act, 1956, Section 2. 9. Inserted by the Constitution (Forty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1982, Section 5. 10. Substituted by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act,

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n (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, Section 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 22. Inserted by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, Section 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 23. Inserted by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, Section 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 24. Substituted by Section 57, ibid., for entry 25 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 25. Substituted by the Constitution (Third Amendment) Act, 1954, Section 2, for entry 33. 26. Inserted by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, Section 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). 27. Substituted by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, Section 27, for "declared by Parliament by law". 28. Substituted by Section 26, ibid, for entry 42. 29. Entry 84 of the union list, substituted by the the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016, w.e.f. 16.9.2016 , before it was read as, "84. Duties of excise on tobacco and other goods manufactured or produced in India except- (a) alcoholic liquors for human consumption. (b

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