Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods & Services) Regulations, 2015

FEMA – 23(R)/2015-RB – Dated:- 12-1-2016 – RESERVE BANK OF INDIA (Foreign Exchange Department) CENTRAL OFFICE NOTIFICATION No. FEMA 23(R)/2015-RB Mumbai, the 12th January, 2016 Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods & Services) Regulations, 2015 G.S.R. 19(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1), sub-section (3) of Section 7 and sub-section (2) of Section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and in supersession of its Notification No.FEMA.23/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 as amended from time to time, Reserve Bank of India makes the following Regulations in respect of Export of Goods and Services from India , namely: 1. Short title and commencement:- (i) These Regulations may be called the Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) Regulations, 2015. (ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions:- In these Regulations, unless the context requires ot

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ent; (vi) 'form' means form annexed to these Regulations; (vii) 'schedule' means schedule appended to these Regulations; (viii) 'software' means any computer programme, database, drawing, design, audio/video signals, any information by whatever name called in or on any medium other than in or on any physical medium ; (ix) 'specified authority' means the person or the authority to whom the declaration as specified in Regulation 3 is to be furnished; (x) the words and expressions used but not defined in these Regulations shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3. Declaration of exports:- (1) In case of exports taking place through Customs manual ports, every exporter of goods or software in physical form or through any other form, either directly or indirectly, to any place outside India, other than Nepal and Bhutan, shall furnish to the specified authority, a declaration in one of the forms set out in the Schedule and suppor

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becomes due or accrues on account of such export, and to repatriate the same to India in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and these Regulations, as also other rules and regulations made under the Act. (4) Realization of export proceeds in respect of export of goods / software from third party should be duly declared by the exporter in the appropriate declaration form. 4. Exemptions:- Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 3, export of goods / software may be made without furnishing the declaration in the following cases, namely: a) trade samples of goods and publicity material supplied free of payment; b) personal effects of travellers, whether accompanied or unaccompanied; c) ship's stores, trans-shipment cargo and goods supplied under the orders of Central Government or of such officers as may be appointed by the Central Government in this behalf or of the military, naval or air force authorities in India for military, naval or air force requirements; d) by wa

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nes, under intimation to the Development Commissioner of Special Economic Zones / concerned Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Customs (h) replacement goods exported free of charge in accordance with the provisions of Foreign Trade Policy in force, for the time being. (i) goods sent outside India for testing subject to re-import into India; (j) defective goods sent outside India for repair and re-import provided the goods are accompanied by a certificate from an authorised dealer in India that the export is for repair and re-import and that the export does not involve any transaction in foreign exchange. (k) exports permitted by the Reserve Bank, on application made to it, subject to the terms and conditions, if any, as stipulated in the permission. 5. Indication of importer-exporter code number:- The importer-exporter code number allotted by the Director General of Foreign Trade under Section 7 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992) sh

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oftware Technology Parks of India (STPIs) or at the Free Trade Zones (FTZs) or Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India. (ii) After certifying all three copies of the SOFTEX form, the said designated official shall forward the original directly to the nearest office of the Reserve Bank and return the duplicate to the exporter. The triplicate shall be retained by the designated official for record. C. Duplicate Declaration Forms to be retained with Authorised Dealers On the realisation of the export proceeds, the duplicate copies of export declaration forms viz. EDF and SOFTEX and Exchange Control copies of the shipping bills shall be retained by the Authorised Dealers. 7. Evidence in support of declaration:- The Commissioner of Customs or the postal authority or the official of Department of Electronics, to whom the declaration form is submitted, may, in order to satisfy themselves of due compliance with Section 7 of the Act and these regulations, require such evidence in support of the

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er specified in the Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2000 as amended from time to time. Explanation: For the purpose of this regulation, re-import into India, within the period specified for realisation of the export value, of the exported goods in respect of which a declaration was made under Regulation 3, shall be deemed to be realisation of full export value of such goods. 9. Period within which export value of goods/software/ services to be realised:- (1) The amount representing the full export value of goods / software/ services exported shall be realised and repatriated to India within nine months from the date of export, provided (a) that where the goods are exported to a warehouse established outside India with the permission of the Reserve Bank, the amount representing the full export value of goods exported shall be paid to the authorised dealer as soon as it is realised and in any case within fifteen months from the date of shipment of

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od of nine months. (b) The Reserve Bank may for reasonable and sufficient cause direct that the said exporter/s shall cease to be governed by sub-regulation (2); Provided that no such direction shall be given unless the unit has been given a reasonable opportunity to make a representation in the matter. (c) On such direction, the said exporter/s shall be governed by the provisions of sub-regulation (1), until directed otherwise by the Reserve Bank.' Explanation: For the purpose of this regulation, the date of export in relation to the export of software in other than physical form, shall be deemed to be the date of invoice covering such export. 10. Submission of export documents:- The documents pertaining to export shall be submitted to the authorised dealer mentioned in the relevant export declaration form, within 21 days from the date of export, or from the date of certification of the SOFTEX form: Provided that, subject to the directions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to t

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ch requisition and such constituent signing the declaration shall be considered to be the exporter for the purposes of these Regulations to the extent of the full value shown in the documents being negotiated or sent for collection and shall be governed by these Regulations accordingly. 12. Payment for the Export:- In respect of export of any goods or software for which a declaration is required to be furnished under Regulation 3, no person shall except with the permission of the Reserve Bank or, subject to the directions of the Reserve Bank, permission of an authorised dealer, do or refrain from doing anything or take or refrain from taking any action which has the effect of securing – (i) that the payment for the goods or software is made otherwise than in the specified manner; or (ii) that the payment is delayed beyond the period specified under these Regulations; or (iii) that the proceeds of sale of the goods or software exported do not represent the full export value of the goods

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overned by the terms and conditions set out in the relative public notices issued by the Trade Control Authority in India and the instructions issued from time to time by the Reserve Bank. (ii) An export under the line of credit extended to a bank or a financial institution operating in a foreign state by the Exim Bank for financing exports from India, shall be governed by the terms and conditions advised by the Reserve Bank to the authorised dealers from time to time. 14. Delay in Receipt of Payment:- Where in relation to goods or software export of which is required to be declared on the specified form and export of services, in respect of which no declaration forms has been made applicable, the specified period has expired and the payment therefor has not been made as aforesaid, the Reserve Bank may give to any person who has sold the goods or software or who is entitled to sell the goods or software or procure the sale thereof, such directions as appear to it to be expedient, for t

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iii) the documents covering the shipment are routed through the authorised dealer through whom the advance payment is received; Provided that in the event of the exporter's inability to make the shipment, partly or fully, within one year from the date of receipt of advance payment, no remittance towards refund of unutilized portion of advance payment or towards payment of interest, shall be made after the expiry of the period of one year, without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (i) of sub-regulation (1), an exporter may receive advance payment where the export agreement itself duly provides for shipment of goods extending beyond the period of one year from the date of receipt of advance payment. 16. Issue of directions by Reserve Bank in certain cases:- (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of Regulation 3 in relation to the export of goods or software which is required to be declared, the Reserve Bank may, for the purpose

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ch conditions as may be specified by the Reserve Bank by directions issued from time to time. c) that a copy of the declaration to be furnished to the specified authority shall be submitted to such authority or organisation as may be indicated in the order for certifying that the value of goods or software specified in the declaration represents the proper value thereof. (2) No direction under sub-regulation (1) shall be given by the Reserve Bank and no approval under clause (b) of that sub-regulation shall be withheld by the Authorised Dealer, unless the exporter has been given a reasonable opportunity to make a representation in the matter. 17. Project exports:- (1) Where an export of goods or services is proposed to be made on deferred payment terms or in execution of a turnkey project or a civil construction contract, the exporter shall, before entering into any such export arrangement, submit the proposal for prior approval of the approving authority, which shall consider the prop

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