Explanation of the Entries in the Form (should be attached to the Form)

Para 11 – Draft-Bills-Reports – Business Processes for GST on Registration Processes in GST Regime – Report on – Business Processes for GST on Registration Processes in GST Regime [July 2015] – Para 11 – 11.0 Explanation of the Entries in the Form (should be attached to the Form) 11.1 The critical information / documents required from the applicant while making the application has been outlined in para 6.3 above. Here the manner of organization of the said information in the registration form (Annexure-III) has been explained. 11.2 The form has fields from 1- 21 requiring various details from the applicant. These fields have been organized so that applicant can introduce himself and the nature of his business to the tax authorities in simple interactive manner. To maintain uniformity in the manner of submission of the form, the fields are provided in the standard conventional manner. These can be adopted from the forms notified by the Information Technology department of the Central a

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. 11.5 Field 6 is relevant for taxable persons opting for Compounding scheme. 11.6 Field 7 asks for date of commencement of business in the State in which the taxable person is applying for registration. As has been discussed earlier, the taxable person in the GST regime will be required to take State specific single registration for CGST, IGST and SGST purposes (multiple registrations in a state for business verticals are permitted) . 11.7 Field 8 asks for the date on which liability to pay tax has arisen. Field 9 asks for the details of time period for which registration is required by the casual dealers. Field From‟ – To‟ – will be mandatory for casual /non-resident dealers in the registration application. For others field From‟ only would be mandatory. Field 10 captures the reason for such liability. This field would not be enabled in case of registration application by casual/non-resident dealer. 11.8 Field 11 is for the existing registrants. They have to indicat

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er parameter to be specified by the GST Law drafting Committee) which taxable person is supplying or likely to supply. 11.12 Field 16 captures details of the additional places of business. In this field the applicant has to give the details of all the places from where he conducts the business. 11.13 Field 17 asks for the details of Proprietor, partners, Karta, Directors, Member of Managing Committee of Association, Managing trustee etc. of the business depending on the constitution of the business. 11.14 Field 18 asks for the details of the authorized signatory. 11.15 Field 19 asks for the details of authorized representative (TRP / CA/ Advocate, etc.) of the taxpayer. 11.16 Field 20 is kept to capture any State specific information, if so provided in the GST law. 11.17 Field 21 is required to capture the scanned documents (as mentioned in para 6.3. above) required to be uploaded along with the application 11.18 Field 22 is the field for verification and declaration made by the applic

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