Opposition leaders press for simplification, reduction of GST

Opposition leaders press for simplification, reduction of GSTGSTDated:- 24-3-2025PTINew Delhi, Mar 24 (PTI) Opposition members on Monday demanded the government to simplify and reduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) as it is putting the burden on the poo

Opposition leaders press for simplification, reduction of GST
Dated:- 24-3-2025
New Delhi, Mar 24 (PTI) Opposition members on Monday demanded the government to simplify and reduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) as it is putting the burden on the poor.
Participating in the debate on the Finance Bill 2025, Supriya Sule (NCP-SP) said GST needs lots of reform, and there is a need to bring down rates.
The Finance Minister should answer when India will become 'one nation one tax' as the present GST regime has many slabs, she said in the Lok Sabha.
On the zero tariff policy proposed by the US, Sule said the government should clarify its stand on agricultural produce.
The US has proposed to levy reciprocal tariffs from Apr

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