Customs Order Set Aside: Authority Failed to Consider Reply to Show Cause Notices, Violating Natural Justice Principles

Customs Order Set Aside: Authority Failed to Consider Reply to Show Cause Notices, Violating Natural Justice PrinciplesCase-LawsGSTThe HC set aside the impugned Order-in-Original due to procedural irregularities that violated principles of natural justice

Customs Order Set Aside: Authority Failed to Consider Reply to Show Cause Notices, Violating Natural Justice Principles
The HC set aside the impugned Order-in-Original due to procedural irregularities that violated principles of natural justice. The order had incorrectly proceeded on the premise that the petitioner had not filed any reply to the Show Cause Notices, when in fact a response had been submitted. This factual error constituted a fundamental breach of procedural fairness, as the adjudicating authority failed to consider the petitioner's submissions before reaching its determination. The writ petition was accordingly allowed, invalidating the original order.
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