Precious Metals and Jewelry Under Chapter 71 Remain Exempt from E-Way Bill Requirements Under Rule 138(14)

Precious Metals and Jewelry Under Chapter 71 Remain Exempt from E-Way Bill Requirements Under Rule 138(14)NewsGSTGeneration of Electronic Way Bills (E-Way Bills) for goods under Chapter 71 of GST classification, covering precious metals, stones, and jewel

Precious Metals and Jewelry Under Chapter 71 Remain Exempt from E-Way Bill Requirements Under Rule 138(14)
Generation of Electronic Way Bills (E-Way Bills) for goods under Chapter 71 of GST classification, covering precious metals, stones, and jewelry (except HSN 7117 – imitation jewelry), remains exempt from mandatory requirements under CGST Rules, 2017 Rule 138(14). While the NIC portal previously offered an “EWB for Gold” option, this facility has been withdrawn nationwide. The exemption continues except for intrastate movements within Kerala, where state-specific notification mandates E-Way Bill generation. The clarification resolves confusion arising from voluntary E-Way Bill generation by stakeholders who utilized the previously available system option. Transporters and taxpayers dealing with Chapter 71 goods must note this exemption while ensuring compliance with Kerala's state-specific requirements where applicable.
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