Foreign Currency Refund Claims Cannot Be Rejected Solely On Receipt Timing Without Examining Complete Documentation Trail

Foreign Currency Refund Claims Cannot Be Rejected Solely On Receipt Timing Without Examining Complete Documentation TrailCase-LawsGSTHC found procedural deficiencies in handling refund claims where foreign currency receipts lacked proper documentation thr

Foreign Currency Refund Claims Cannot Be Rejected Solely On Receipt Timing Without Examining Complete Documentation Trail
HC found procedural deficiencies in handling refund claims where foreign currency receipts lacked proper documentation through e-BRC filings. Despite timing discrepancies between payment receipts and refund period, court emphasized adherence to natural justice principles. Original order was set aside with directions to relevant authority to pass fresh orders within 2 months, mandating proper consideration of evidence and following judicial discipline. Authority must provide opportunity for representation and maintain procedural fairness in reassessment. Timing of foreign currency receipt alone cannot be sole basis for rejection without examining complete documentation trail.
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