Non-woven Fabric and PPSB Bed Sheets Attract 12% GST Under HSN 75603 and 6304 Classifications

Non-woven Fabric and PPSB Bed Sheets Attract 12% GST Under HSN 75603 and 6304 ClassificationsCase-LawsGSTHC ruled in favor of the appellant regarding classification and taxation of non-woven fabric and PPSB bed sheets under GST. The court confirmed non-wo

Non-woven Fabric and PPSB Bed Sheets Attract 12% GST Under HSN 75603 and 6304 Classifications
HC ruled in favor of the appellant regarding classification and taxation of non-woven fabric and PPSB bed sheets under GST. The court confirmed non-woven fabric made from manmade filament is correctly classified under Chapter 56 (HSN 75603) attracting 12% GST instead of 18%. For PPSB bed sheets, the court rejected revenue's attempt to shift burden of proof to appellant and found classification under HSN 6304 appropriate. The court set aside the single bench's remand order, directed immediate processing of refund application with statutory interest, noting that fresh consideration was unnecessary given clear legal position favoring appellant. The original writ petition was allowed, providing definitive resolution on classification disputes.
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