Slack adjusters used in braking systems of buses and trucks are classifiable under HSN 87089900 as…

Case-Laws – GST – Highlights – Slack adjusters used in braking systems of buses and trucks are classifiable under HSN 87089900 as ‘Parts and accessories of motor vehicles’ attracting 28% GST. Slack adjusters used in trailers’ braking systems are classifi

Case-Laws – GST – Highlights – Slack adjusters used in braking systems of buses and trucks are classifiable under HSN 87089900 as 'Parts and accessories of motor vehicles' attracting 28% GST. Slack adjusters used in trailers' braking systems are classifiable under HSN 87169010 as 'Parts and accessories of trailers' attracting 18% GST. Irrespective of OEM or aftermarket sales, correct classification based on application in buses/trucks or trailers should be ensured by the applicant. – TMI Updates – Highlights, quick notes, marquee, annotation, news, alerts Tax Management India – taxmanagementindia – taxmanagement – – TMI – TaxTMI – TMITax

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