Impugned order set aside by HC. Petitioner to remit Rs.1 crore within two weeks, submit reply within two…

Case-Laws – GST – Highlights – Impugned order set aside by HC. Petitioner to remit Rs.1 crore within two weeks, submit reply within two weeks thereafter treating impugned order as show cause notice. Respondent authority to complete assessment in accordan

Case-Laws – GST – Highlights – Impugned order set aside by HC. Petitioner to remit Rs.1 crore within two weeks, submit reply within two weeks thereafter treating impugned order as show cause notice. Respondent authority to complete assessment in accordance with law after providing reasonable opportunity of hearing to petitioner. – TMI Updates – Highlights, quick notes, marquee, annotation, news, alerts Tax Management India – taxmanagementindia – taxmanagement – – TMI – TaxTMI – TMITax

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