Enhancements to Address-Related Fields in GST Registration Functionalities

Goods and Services Tax – GST Dated:- 4-7-2024 – News – Enhancements to Address-Related Fields in GST Registration Functionalities Dated:- 4-7-2024 – Dear Taxpayers, The Following enhancements have been made to address-related fields in the registration functionalities: New Registration, Amendment Application (Core Non-Core), and Geocoding Business Addresses. These enhancements are based on the analysis of tickets and user feedback. The details are as follows: 1. Update in Validations applicable while entering the address in address-related fields. a. Address is in India: The fields PIN Code, State, District, and City/Town/Village are interlinked and must be selected from the autosuggestions. For other fields, taxpayer in addition to alph

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ecial characters such as Hyphen (-), Forward Slash (/), Ampersand ( ), Comma (,), Apostrophes ('), Hash(#), Period(.), Small Brackets (), Inverted Commas ( ), Colon (:), Semi Colon (;), Underscore (_) and Space. Other Special Characters are not allowed. Additionally, special characters are not allowed at the beginning of the entry for fields other than zip code, district and State. 2. Proper instructions have been added to address fields regarding input values that are allowed or not allowed for the specific field. When hovering over the icon, taxpayers would be able to view these instructions. 3. The above changes would not impact data already saved in the system, even if it contains special characters that are no longer allowed. Howev

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r, Composition, Input Service Distributer and Casual Taxpayers. 6. In addition, the field of locality/sub locality is not mandatory i. If the Locality/Sub-locality field is left blank or is mapped to another Pin Code, the system displays the following warning messages: Locality/Sub-locality does not match the Pin Code. Do you want to save the details? or You have not filled in Locality/Sub-locality. Do you want to save the details and proceed further? ii. Example: If you enter Pin Code 123456 but leave the Locality/Sub-locality field blank, you will see the message: You have not filled in Locality/Sub-locality. Do you want to save the details and proceed further? iii. In such cases, to continue with the registration, click YES to proceed, a

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