Disclosure of information required under section 119

Section 120 – Draft-Bills-Reports – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS – MODEL GST LAW – GOODS AND SERVICES TAX ACT, 2016 – Draft June 2016 – Section 120 – 120. Disclosure of information required under section 119 (1) No information of any individual return or part thereof, with respect to any matter given for the purposes of section 119 shall, without the previous consent in writing of the taxpayer or person or his authorised agent, be published in such manner as to enable any particulars to be identified as referring to a particular taxpayer and no such information shall be used for the purpose of any proceedings under the provisions of the Act. (2) Except for the purposes of prosecution under the Act, or any other Act, no person who is not engage

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which the offence continues subject to a maximum limit of one thousand rupees. (4) If any person engaged in connection with the collection of statistics under section 119 or compilation or computerization thereof willfully discloses any information or the contents of any return given or made under that section, otherwise than in execution of his duties under that section or for the purposes of the prosecution of an offence under the Act or under any other Act, he shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both: Provided that, no prosecution shall be instituted under the subsection, except with the previous sanction of the Central

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