New Service Tax Structure a Step Closure Towards Proposed GST – Service Tax Regime on Hotel Accommodation, Restaurant Services Restructured

New Service Tax Structure a Step Closure Towards Proposed GST – Service Tax Regime on Hotel Accommodation, Restaurant Services Restructured – Dated:- 28-2-2011 – Hotel accommodation, in excess of declared tariff of ₹ 1000 per day and service provided by air conditioned restaurants that have license to serve liquor are the new services which have been brought under the service tax net. While proposing to levy service tax on these services, the Union Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has said that the hotel accommodation with declared tariff of over ₹ 1000 per day will have to pay the service tax with an abatement of 50 per cent. This will mean an effective burden of only 5 per cent of the amount charged. Air conditioned res

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State Bank of Travancore Versus Kingston Computers (I) (P.) Ltd.

2011 (2) TMI 1270 – SUPREME COURT OF INDIA – [2011] 107 SCL 377 (SC), [2011] 163 COMP. CAS. 37 (SC), 2011 (11) SCC 524, 2011 (3) JT 66, 2011 (3) SCALE 33 – Maintainability of the suit – authorized signatory – authority letter – suit was filed by the respondent through Shri Ashok K. Shukla, who described himself as one of the directors of the company and claimed that he was authorised by Shri Raj K. Shukla, the chief executive officer of the company vide authority letter dated 2-1-2003, to sign, verify and file suit for recovery on behalf of the company. A copy of the authority letter allegedly signed by Shri Raj K. Shukla was also annexed with the plaint. In the written statement filed on behalf of the appellant, a preliminary objection was taken to the maintainability of the suit on the ground that Shri Ashok K. Shukla was not authorised by the company to file the suit and the authority letter given by Shri Raj K. Shukla was not sufficient to entitle him to do so. – CIVIL APPEAL NO.

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also annexed with the plaint. In the written statement filed on behalf of the appellant, a preliminary objection was taken to the maintainability of the suit on the ground that Shri Ashok K. Shukla was not authorised by the company to file the suit and the authority letter given by Shri Raj K. Shukla was not sufficient to entitle him to do so. The respondent filed replication but did not plead that Shri Ashok K. Shukla was authorised by the company to file the suit. 5. On the pleadings of the parties, the trial court framed the following issues: (1) Whether the suit has been signed, verified and filed by a duly authorised person ? (2) What is the effect of not joining Shri Debashish Saraswati in the present suit ? (3) Whether any loss has been caused by the defendant to the plaintiff ? (4) Whether payments have been made by the defendant in due course and in good faith as alleged in paragraph 3 of the preliminary objections of the written statement if so its effect ? (5) Whether the pl

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nd he had been authorised by the company to file the suit. Learned senior counsel extensively referred to the pleadings of the parties including the rejoinder filed on behalf of the company before the trial court, evidence of Shri Ashok K. Shukla and argued that the suit could not have been decreed because no evidence was produced on behalf of the company to prove that Shri Ashok K. Shukla was authorised to file the suit. Shri Gupta pointed out that resolutions dated 14-2-2001 and 19-4-2001, passed by the board of directors of the company had bearing only on the issue of operating the bank account and not on the issue of filing the suit and the Division Bench of the High Court gravely erred in relying upon those resolutions and the authority letter issued by Shri Raj K. Shukla in favour of Shri Ashok K. Shukla. 9. We have considered the submissions of learned counsel and scrutinised the record. 10. In paragraph 1 of the suit filed on behalf of the company, it was pleaded that Shri Asho

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inability of the suit on the ground that the plaint has not been signed, verified and filed by a competent and authorised representative on behalf of the company and that there is neither any valid board resolution nor any valid authorisation on behalf of the company nor a copy of the resolution has been filed along with the suit. It was also pleaded that the person who has instituted the suit on behalf of the company is not shown to be a power of attorney holder nor a copy of such power of attorney has been filed with the plaint and the authorisation letter purported to have been given by the so-called Chief Executive Officer is not a valid authorisation. 12. In the rejoinder filed on behalf of the company, it was reiterated that Shri Ashok K. Shukla, who has signed, verified and filed the plaint was authorised by Shri Raj K. Shukla vide authority letter dated 2-1-2003. 13. In his evidence, which was filed in the form of an affidavit, Shri Ashok K. Shukla claimed that he is one of the

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present suit. Apart from this authority letter, the plaintiff-company has not filed on record any board resolution authorising Shri A.K. Shukla to sign, verify and institute the present suit. The plaintiff has also not filed on record its memorandum/articles to show that Shri Raj Kumar Shukla had been vested with the powers or had been given a general power of attorney on behalf of the company to sign, verify and institute the suit on behalf of the company. The present suit, therefore, has been filed merely on the strength of the authority letter exhibit PW1/A … 15. The trial court then referred to the judgment of the Delhi High Court in Nibro Ltd. v. National Insurance Co. Ltd. [1991] 70 Comp. Cas. 388 and Shubh Shanti Services Ltd. v. Manjula S. Agarwalla [2005] 125 Comp. Cas. 477 (SC), the Delhi High Court (Original Side) Rules, 1967 and proceeded to observe: … As already stated, it has not been averred in the plaint nor sought to be proved that any resolution had been passed by

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ntment of Shri Ashok K. Shukla as a director, but reversed the finding of the trial court on issue No. 1 on the basis of the authority letter issued by Shri Raj K. Shukla and resolutions dated 14-2-2001 and 19-4-2001, by which the board of directors of the company had authorised some persons to operate the bank account. 17. In our view, the judgment under challenge is liable to be set aside because the respondent had not produced any evidence to prove that Shri Ashok K. Shukla was appointed as a director of the company and a resolution was passed by the board of directors of the company to file suit against the appellant and authorised Shri Ashok K. Shukla to do so. The letter of authority issued by Shri Raj K. Shukla, who described himself as the Chief Executive Officer of the company, was nothing but a scrap of paper because no resolution was passed by the board of directors delegating its powers to Shri Raj K. Shukla to authorise another person to file suit on behalf of the company.

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BUDGET 2011 SHOULD HAVE FINAL SAY ON GST – Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal – Dated:- 9-2-2011 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – Once again we enter the budget month ,ie, February and we expect the Union Budget 2011 to be unveiled on 28 the February 2011 when country s Finance Minister shall be laying before the Parliament the Government s budgetary proposals and tax proposals- both direct and indirect. This year s budget assumes greater importance in the wake of ongoing high level of corruption and financial irregularities in almost every sphere of governance, thus putting tremendous pressure on the exchequer and fuelling bad money in the system. Also, the present governance and banking system has been unable to tame the evil of inflation causing hardship to one and all. Petrol prices and high rate home loans are only adding salt to the injury. However, economy has shown positive signs on various parameters. Thus, the top agenda for the Finance Minister would be t

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middot;Draw a final road map with timelines for both- DTC and GST atleast w.e.f. 1.4.2012. ·To revisit GST structure to be followed with fresh and open mind to restore confidence, remove various impediments faced and find solution to issues posed before the empowered committee. So far as GST is concerned, the seriousness of our Government , the democratic approach to introduce GDP and the deliberations at Empowered Committee – all have become a mockery. What is painful is that the people who do not understand much about GST and its implications are to decide on GST structure in the said empowered committee. The members therein, are primarily concerned about state s shares of revenue and nothing else, of course, least about the tax payer. It is high time that the Union Government should stop hoping for the consensus to emerge between the centre and different states on the GST roll out. Now what is legally permissible must be acted upon. It is once again advocated thatIndiamust f

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percent (being Union tax). We also have a strong case for tax rate reduction owing to higher inflation and slow sectoral growth. The government should also work on a formula where in all the products and services are covered under the GST regime. The benefit of GST should be available to all players including those in liquour or tobacco industry and fuel / petroleum sector. The budget should also seek to integrate or blend the excise and service tax before we get GST. Though we already have common cenvat credit rules in place, there are disputes in relation to direct or indirect inputs and input services. To point out few grey areas where integration is needed, issues persist such as payment of excise duty at the time of clearance of goods from the factory but service tax being paid on receipt of value of service, separate registration and procedural compliance requirements, different treatment of export of services and export of goods and consequential relief or rebate. Not only this,

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Practice being adopted by leading Hotel Chains to utilize Cenvat Credit beyond permissible limits – reg.

F.No.V/DGST/30-MISC-45/2009/756 Dated:- 8-2-2011 Circular – Circulars – Service Tax – F.No.V/DGST/30-MISC-45/2009/756 DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SERVICE TAX 9 th Floor, Piramal Chambers, Jijibhoy Lane, Parel, Lalbaug, Mumbai 400 012 Ph. No.24178515, 24102587 Dated: February 8, 2011 Sub: Practice being adopted by leading Hotel Chains to utilize Cenvat Credit beyond permissible limits reg. Please refer to this office letter of even number dated 27.04.09 whereunder copy of letter Dy. No.62/Comm. (ST)/2009 dated 27.03.2009 from the Commissioner (Service Tax), CBEC, New Delhi along with its enclosures, was forwarded to you for taking appropriate action and calling for the action taken report. In the said letter dated 27.03.2009, the Commissioner Service Tax, had informed this office about irregular availment of Cenvat Credit by leading hotel chains, as reported to him by the Chief Commissioner, Customs Central Excise, Chandigarh vide letter C.No. 06-Zone 14

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ave found similar issue prevailing in their jurisdiction and that they are taking the necessary action to protect the revenue. On perusal of these reports, it has been observed that the service provider, in most of the cases, is M/s Indian Hotel Corporation Ltd. (M/s IHCL), an assessee registered with Service Tax-I Commissionerate, Mumbai. However, there are others as well viz. M/s Apeejay Sunder Corp. Services, Kolkata, M/s Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, M/s Nirulas Comer House P. Ltd. etc. who also provide similar services to hotel chains and enable the service recipient to take full Cenvat credit by treating the services as 'Business Consultancy Services'. The field formations are of a uniform view that the services provided by M/s IHCL and other such service providers to the owners of hotels can not be considered to be 'Management Consultant Services' but such services are actually in the nature of Business Support Service or Business Auxiliary Service or Franchise Service, as t

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milar service providers would follow suit. Till then, action is required to be taken by the field formations to prevent / recover the inadmissible excess Cenvat Credit availed by the recipient of such services. It may not be out of place to mention here that the Commissioner, Chandigarh-I, who had originally taken up the issue, had, in the meantime, dropped the demand notice issued in this respect to M/s Taj GVK Hotels and Resorts (service recipient) by passing an Order-in-Original dt.20.09.2010 by holding, inter-alia, that 'the cause which has initiated the present proceedings was beyond the control of the noticee; the noticee can not be held responsible for the misclassification of taxable service at the bands of provider of such service; so the demand is not sustainable and it is even hit by time bar also apart from being not sustainable on merits' etc. However, it has now been reported by the Chief Commissioner's office, Chandigarh, vide their letter dated 16.12.2010 that the sub

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r of output service taking such credit; thus it was the noticee who was required to ensure the description of service and as to what is the classification of input service to discharge this burden even if there was some misclassification at the service provider's end; the entire onus of correct availment was on the noticee'. Considering the issue in the backdrop of what is stated herein above, all the field formations are hereby requested to take appropriate action in the matter to protect the revenue. Commissioner, Service Tax-I, Mumbai would be expected to complete the ongoing investigation/ verification immediately and communicate the result thereof to this office at the earliest. Reports about the final outcome of the action taken may please be forwarded to this, office by all concerned. Yours faithfully, (Additional Director General) – Circular – Trade Notice – Public Notice – Instructions – Office orders Tax Management India – taxmanagementindia – taxmanagement

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Inclusion of handling charges to Goods transport Agent in case of M/s. Food Corporation of India

F No.V/DGST/88-GTA/01/2010/464 Dated:- 20-1-2011 Order-Instruction – Circulars – Service Tax – F No.V/DGST/88-GTA/01/2010/464 Directorate General of Service Tax 9th Floor, Piramal Chambers Jijibhai Lane, Lalbaug, Parel Mumbai-400012 Dated: January 20, 2011 Sub:- Inclusion of handling charges to Goods transport Agent in case of M/s. Food Corporation of India Reg. An instance of avoidance of payment of appropriate Service Tax amount has been reported by the Central Excise Commissionerate, Rohtak. Brief details in this regard are as follows. In respect of the transportation services provided by the contractors with regard to the transportation of the foodgrains stocks, M/s. Food Corporation of India (M/s. FCI)

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ing charges in the transport charges, wherever provided by the same contractor/agency, for determining the taxable value and accordingly discharged Service tax liability. As such, if loading/unloading charges are added into the transport charges, many bills may cross the exemption limit of Rs.750/-, on which no Service Tax has been paid by M/s. FCI. To summarise the above, M/s. FCI should have Included the handling charges to the transport charges, wherever provided by the same contractor/agency. They have evaded Service Tax by not including the value of handling charges to the transport charges and wrongly availed the slab exemption of Rs.750/- per consignment under Notification No. 34/2004-ST dated 03.12.2004. In this connection, at

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Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – Nagesh Bajaj – Dated:- 14-1-2011 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – Now it has almost become clear that the Goods and Services may not meet its deadline of April 1,2011 due to lack of consensus among the States and the Centre. So, we have to wait more for the new tax regime which is expected to replace excise duty , service tax on the Centre's end and VAT on the States front, besides local levies ,cesses and surcharges. The Government failed to tabled the Constitution Amendment Bill in the monsoon session of the Parliament as the BJP-ruled states raised their voice against the revised draft of the Centre on the Constitution Amendment Bill. However, a recent statement by the Finance Ministry indicated t

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of the State Finance Ministers because it proposed to give Veto Power to the Union Finance Minister on the State taxation issues. However, the revised draft from the Finance Ministry drops the main issue of giving Veto Power to the Union finance Minister and said that the Council could take a decision only when there is a Consensus. But the BJP-ruled States along with some of the allies of the UPA, have been opposing the revised draft of the Constitutional Amendment Bill on GST and asked for more time to study that and give their views on the various provisions in the GST Bill . Also, they wanted to know the clear meaning of the consensus and suggested changing the word with consent . In order to remove their concerns , the Finance Ministr

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Dated:- 14-12-2010 – Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee today inaugurated a two-day National Seminar on 'Goods and Services Tax : Transition Issues', organised by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) to discuss the findings of the CAG on the preparedness for transition from sales tax to value added tax, the rationale for the tax reforms, IT related issues to GST as well as legal and operational issues relating to tax reforms. Text of speech of the CAG, Shri Vinod Rai at the Inaugural function of the National Seminar on 'Goods and Services Tax: Transition issues', is as follows: This seminar is being hosted as part of the celebrations associated with completion of 150 years of the institution of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. The Hon'ble Finance Minister would recall that recently in his speech delivered on the occasion of the inaugural ceremony of the 150th anniversary celebrations he had mentioned that the C&AG's study re

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ion to Goods and Services Tax. That Report synthesized the findings of the performance audits conducted by 23 of our field offices where we reviewed the transitional process from the sales tax regime to the VAT system by evaluating whether the States had planned well for the transition, the administrative machinery had been appropriately geared to suit the requirements of the new tax regime, the legislative provisions were adequate and properly enforced, adequate and effective internal controls were in place and the new systems had stabilized and were functioning effectively after four-five years of introduction of VAT. The Report underlined the fact that certain fundamental issues which were required to be tackled prior to implementation of VAT were not addressed and their consequent fallout in the post-VAT scenario was discussed. We are of the opinion that the findings of that Report could serve as indicators towards some of the important areas which need to be examined and tackled b

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on the macro picture, contributing to the process of governance through timely interventions. The aim of audit is not to criticize but to place the Executive in a comfort zone by acting as an aid to the decision making process. As revenue auditors, we look at systems and processes and point out lacunae in laws and rules which lead to leakage of revenue and suggest ways to plug this. The findings in our Reports have led to several amendments in various legislative enactments, both at the Centre and in the States. To cite an example, on the Direct Taxes side, the Government introduced six legislative amendments in the last five years to correct the anomalies pointed out by us, the latest being the amendment made in the Finance Act 2009 based on our Report on 'Assessments relating to infrastructure development (Deductions under section 80‐IA of the Income Tax Act)'. Deductions under section 80‐IA of the Act are based on profits, and the lack of clear directions for de

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s as professional auditors to be a part of the evolving process in order to be effective. Through this seminar, we intend to provide a platform where individuals who are actively associated with the process of determining the final shape of GST, engage in dialogue on critical parameters, share their views, experiences as well as concerns, reflect on the problems and throw light on what could be the possible way forward. We have amongst us distinguished representatives of the Union and State governments, scholars, academicians, chartered accountants and persons from trade and industry associations. We look forward to hearing their views on a gamut of issues ranging from the need for a constitutional amendment for introduction of GST, development of IT infrastructure, the possible architecture of rates, exemptions and thresholds and the administrative preparedness that would be required to effectively implement the new tax regime. Their rich experience would help those of us in the audit

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Dated:- 14-12-2010 – FM Expects Inflation to come down to 6 per cent by March, 2011 Govt willing To Consider a Phased Approach for Introduction of GST: FM GST would Improve Tax Collections and Boost India's Economic Development: FM GST to Encourage Consumer Friendly Product Pricing to Benefit Aam-Admi: FM FM Inaugurates National Seminar on GST The Central Government, with a view to evolve a consensus, is willing to consider a phased approach for the introduction of GST, a step towards further consolidation of taxes on goods and services to achieve a genuine value added tax system at all levels in the country, stated the Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee, here today. In a departure from our earlier stand, as a transitory measure, we are also willing to accept a dual rate structure that could eventually lead to a model GST regime , he added. The Finance Minister was addressing the inaugural session of a two-day National Seminar on 'Goods and Services Tax : Transition

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state of the art IT platform to make tax administration in the country more efficient. Speaking to the mediapersons on the sidelines of the Seminar Shri Mukherjee said that the inflation is expected to come down to 6 per cent by March, 2011. The text of Finance Minister's inaugural address at the Seminar is as follows: I am happy to be here at the inauguration of the Seminar on the Goods and Service Tax (GST). Let me start by congratulating the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for taking this timely initiative for bringing together the various stakeholders to deliberate on this issue when India's tax structure and its legal framework is being reviewed and is in the process of being finalized. I understand that the seminar seeks to focus on transition issues that would have to be addressed by tax administrators, both at the Centre and at the State levels, as they set out to implement the GST in due course. I am glad that this discussion is going to benefit from the part

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extent- the compulsions for tax rate war among States and also moderated the cascading effect of taxes on commodities. More importantly, VAT was an effort at improving tax payer friendliness with greater faith being reposed in the tax payer. The implementation of VAT brought a steady increase in the revenues of the States. We are now hoping to take the next step by moving towards an economy-wide generalized system of goods and service taxes. From the current mixed system of taxation, both at the Centre and States, we are moving towards value added tax principle with input tax credit mechanism for taxation of goods and services. The proposed GST is a natural step towards further consolidation of taxes on goods and services to achieve a genuine value added tax system at all levels in the country. GST is likely to improve tax collections and boost India's economic development by integrating the Indian market through a uniform tax rate. As I have said earlier, it is a win-win situatio

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dness on the administrative and legislative front before embarking on the implementation of tax proposals presently under consideration. One important issue brought out in the said study report is lack of required automation in commercial tax administration of State Governments. This is an issue that has been flagged for discussion in this seminar. The Central Government has recently launched a mission mode project for computerization of commercial tax administration of States and UTs. I am told that project proposals for 31 States have already been sanctioned with an overall cost of ₹ 975 crore. Around 70 per cent of the project cost is being borne by the Government of India. Some States like Maharashtra, Kerala, West Bengal and Rajasthan have been able to use these funds and successfully put in place modern IT systems as a part of their tax administration. These systems will support e-services like e-registration, e-payment, e-return filing, e-issue of 'C' forms and con

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T has been prepared and sent to the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers for seeking the views of the States. The Empowered Committee is discussing the draft to arrive at a consensus on the issue. It is my earnest hope that there will be a convergence of views on this draft so that the required bill for making these amendments could be introduced in the Parliament at the earliest. Efforts are being made in parallel to prepare Central GST legislation and model State GST legislation. A model State GST Legislation, in sync with Central GST Legislation and common processes to be followed by the Central as well as the State Governments will help in strengthening an integrated national market. That in turn should provide a further impetus to the growth momentum of our economy. On our part, with a view to evolve a consensus we have revised our position to accommodate the concerns of the State Governments. The Central Government is willing to consider a phased approach for the introd

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Goods and service tax

Goods and Services Tax – Started By: – Santosh Kumar – Dated:- 9-12-2010 Last Replied Date:- 10-12-2010 – Whether Goods and Service Tax is on supply or on consumption? – Reply By Brijesh Verma – The Reply = According to the road-map and other drafts on the matter, it seems that GST would be a destination based consumption tax. – Reply By rishi mohan – The Reply = The goods and service tax (GST) is proposed to be a comprehensive study on indirect taxes which is levied on manufacture, sale and co

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Goods and Services Tax – Started By: – Nitin Jain – Dated:- 8-12-2010 Last Replied Date:- 9-12-2010 – PLS SOMEONE PROVIDE BRIEF ABOUT GST……. THANKS – Reply By Yash Matta – The Reply = Kindly Follow the link : – Reply By rishi mohan – The Reply = The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax (VAT) on the supply of goods or services. The introduction of goods and services tax shall replace taxes such as Centra

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Mayawati govt's riders for GST roll out

Dated:- 7-12-2010 – Lucknow, Dec 7 (PTI) Fixing pre-conditions for enforcing Goods and Service Tax (GST) regime from 2011 in the state, the U.P government today sought an early settlement of its claim for ₹ 2,527.93 crore from the Centre for its roll out. Centre should abide by its promise and take decision about early settlement of the state's claim for ₹ 2,527.93 crore, if it was sincere and honest about its intention , state institutional finance minister Nakul Dubey said. Th

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Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – RUPESH NAGPAL – Dated:- 2-12-2010 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – The reformed indirect tax system GST-Goods and Service Tax is proposed to implement in INDIA on and from 1st April 2011 (Still not clear how the Government be doing this). Do you know, several countries implemented this tax mechanism followed by France which was the first country introduced GST. To simplify the understanding about the Goods and Service Tax (Papularly known as GST and hereinafter called as GST ) it may be called a new version of VAT which gives a comprehensive setoff for input tax credit and subsuming many indirect taxes from state and national level. The GST Implementation deadline is not yet cleared by government (i.e. 01/04/2011) and the clarification (within the Committee of State Finance Ministers) of draft of GST law is still under process and a clear picture will be available only after fresh announcement of Implementation is made by our Union Finance Minister

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es like luxury tax, entertainment tax, (which are charged as extras to VAT) are yet to be included in the VAT. These taxes are still existing and payable. iii. Shortfall of Existing CENVAT Several taxes like additional customs duty, surcharges not included under CENVAT. Input tax and service tax set off (to a certain extent) is out of reach to the manufacturer and dealers. Benefits of GST 1. GST provide comprehensive and wider coverage of input credit setoff, you will be able to use service tax credit for the payment of tax on sale of goods etc. 2. CST will be removed and need not to collect and pay. As we all know that at present there is no input tax credit available for CST. 3. Many indirect taxes in state and central level subsumed by GST, You will have to pay a single GST instead of all. 4. There is likely to be Uniformity of tax rates across the states (as proposed) 5. It may ensure better compliance due to aggregate tax rate reduces. 6. By reducing the tax burden the competitive

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own as countervailing Duty ( CVD) 6. Special Additional duty of custums-4% ( SAD) 7. Surcharges 8. Cessess The above taxes dissolve under GST; instead only CGST & SGST exists. The GST model in India Many countries are following single GST. But it is proposed that dual GST is suitable for federal country like India. The end user, i.e. consumer cannot recover taxes but a business can recover by claiming input tax setoff. Dual GST Dual GST means, the proposed model will have two component called 1. CGST – Central goods and service tax levied by Central Govt. 2. SGST – State goods and service tax levied by State Govt. There would have multiple statute one CGST statute and SGST statute for every state. Taxable event Supply of goods and supply of services will be considered as taxable event under GST. In simple way any economic activity which is not supply of goods will be treated as supply of service. Tax payer identification number Each tax payer will be allotted a PAN based identifica

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interstate transaction. As I understand for interstate transaction IGST is proposed and would be implemented along with CGST and SGST. Constitution amendment for levying service tax by the states The power of levying service tax is rest with central Government and a constitutional amendment is necessary for empowering states for levying service tax hence there is very much chance that the deadline for the implementation of GST can only be fixed once there is a constitutional amendment to make this effective. Applicability of CGST and SGST The applicability of taxes is as usual there would be a prescribed limit of annual turnover, also some goods and services are exempted under GST. The dealer whose turnover is below prescribed limit need not pay tax. In my opinion and to the best of my knowledge and belief threshold for annual turnover for goods and services would be 10 lakh for SGST and threshold of CGST for goods may be 1.5 crore and service would have a separate threshold that too

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rates of taxes, the commodity/item

Goods and Services Tax – Started By: – Sanjeev jha – Dated:- 1-12-2010 Last Replied Date:- 2-12-2010 – Please tell me how can I find the slab of taxes commodity wise. For Delhi only. 2.What is GST tell me some thing about it. – Reply By RUPESH NAGPAL – The Reply = The reformed indirect tax system GST-Goods and Service Tax is proposed to implement in INDIA on and from 1st April 2011 (Still not clear how the Government be doing this). Do you know, several countries implemented this tax mechanism followed by France which was the first country introduced GST. To simplify the understanding about the Goods and Service Tax (Papularly known as GST and hereinafter called as GST ) it may be called a new version of VAT which gives a comprehensive setoff for input tax credit and subsuming many indirect taxes from state and national level. The GST Implementation deadline is not yet cleared by government (i.e. 01/04/2011) and the clarification (within the Committee of State Finance Ministers) of dr

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State VAT on CST, Entry tax on VAT etc. So the Govt must have decided to abolish tax on tax effect by implementing GST. ii. Shortfall of Existing VAT Indirect taxes like luxury tax, entertainment tax, (which are charged as extras to VAT) are yet to be included in the VAT. These taxes are still existing and payable. iii. Shortfall of Existing CENVAT Several taxes like additional customs duty, surcharges not included under CENVAT. Input tax and service tax set off (to a certain extent) is out of reach to the manufacturer and dealers. Benefits of GST <!-[if !supportLists]->1. <!-[endif]->GST provide comprehensive and wider coverage of input credit setoff, you will be able to use service tax credit for the payment of tax on sale of goods etc. <!-[if !supportLists]->2. <!-[endif]->CST will be removed and need not to collect and pay. As we all know that at present there is no input tax credit available for CST. <!-[if !supportLists]->3. <!-[endif]->Many in

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ed with GST State taxes <!-[if !supportLists]->1. <!-[endif]->VAT/Sales tax <!-[if !supportLists]->2. <!-[endif]->Entertainment Tax (unless it is levied by local bodies) <!-[if !supportLists]->3. <!-[endif]->Luxury tax <!-[if !supportLists]->4. <!-[endif]->Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling. <!-[if !supportLists]->5. <!-[endif]->State cesses and surcharges in so far as they relate to supply of goods and services. <!-[if !supportLists]->6. <!-[endif]->Entry tax not on in lieu of octroi. <!-[if !supportLists]->7. <!-[endif]->Purchase tax (This is not sure still under discussion) Central Taxes <!-[if !supportLists]->1. <!-[endif]->Central Excise Duty. <!-[if !supportLists]->2. <!-[endif]->Additional Excise Duty. <!-[if !supportLists]->3. <!-[endif]->The Excise Duty levied under the medical and Toiletries Preparation Act <!-[if !supportLists]->4. <!-[endif]-&

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CGST statute and SGST statute for every state. Taxable event Supply of goods and supply of services will be considered as taxable event under GST. In simple way any economic activity which is not supply of goods will be treated as supply of service. Tax payer identification number Each tax payer will be allotted a PAN based identification number containing 13 or 15 digit number ( as of now this feature is used for the grant of the service tax code or central excise No). Payment of tax This is proposed that the central GST would be paid to central and state GST paid to state government in the prescribed account head. Collection of GST It is same as VAT; Tax is collected on the basis of value addition on each stage of sale. Both CGST and SGST would have to be charged in an every service bill and sale bill and paid after adjusting input credit available on both. Input tax credit setoff In m y opinion as proposed the input tax credit of SGST can be utilized for the payment of SGST only an

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ices are exempted under GST. The dealer whose turnover is below prescribed limit need not pay tax. In my opinion and to the best of my knowledge and belief threshold for annual turnover for goods and services would be 10 lakh for SGST and threshold of CGST for goods may be 1.5 crore and service would have a separate threshold that too will be appropriately high. GST rates As we all must know by now that the rate structure would be as follow, but not final <!-[if !supportLists]->1. <!-[endif]->A lower rates for essential commodities <!-[if !supportLists]->2. <!-[endif]->Standard rates for general goods <!-[if !supportLists]->3. <!-[endif]->Special rates for precious metals <!-[if !supportLists]->4. <!-[endif]->For services may be single rates for CGST and SGST. During the first and second year GST on goods will charged in two rates. i.e. Goods at lower rate for necessary items and goods of basic importance ,Goods at standard rate for goods

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State FMs to meet next month to solve GST riddle

Dated:- 24-11-2010 – New Delhi, Nov 24 (PTI) State finance ministers are scheduled to meet on December 6 to break their deadlock with the Centre on the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) to reduce multiplicity of taxes. They will hold discussions on the requirement of a constitution amendment bill for rolling out the proposed GST, which is all set to miss even the revised deadline of April one, 2011. The empowered committee of state finance ministers would meet on December 6 to arrive at a c

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FM unlikely to agree to changes in GST structure

FM unlikely to agree to changes in GST structure – Dated:- 31-10-2010 – Panjim, Oct 31 (PTI) The Finance Ministry is unlikely to bow to the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers' demand for altering the basic structure of the proposed Goods and Services Tax to make the new indirect tax regime more acceptable to states. Any changes in the basic structure in GST would not be acceptable to the Centre. The functioning of Dispute Settlement Body and GST Council is at the core of the GST

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GST-It must be better late than never!!

Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – Pradeep Jain – Dated:- 19-10-2010 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – CA Preeti Parihar and CA Rajani Thanvi Introduction:- Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. How truly it has been said. The change is the need of time, change is innovation, but it becomes arduous when it is not accepted by that people for whom it was made. Whenever any change is about to come in our country it hangs in the way cause of lack of cooperation. To change the system of Indirect taxation Government brought a new system for implementation called GST-The goods and services tax. It was heard that GST will bring a drastic revolution in Indian Indirect Taxation system but the real picture shows something else as it itself become a reason of struggle between Central and states. Need:- Indian entrepreneurs are loaded with a number of taxes. Almost every business transaction suffers a different tax. For services, it

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s are there for payment of taxes and filing of returns, etc. which require a significant amount of man power and money. However, the GST, when implemented, will replace many of the taxes and will obviously reduce the paper work, man power and money. Further, there are no. of ambiguities in certain cases which makes it difficult to ascertain as to which law is applicable. For eg. software and SIM cards are service or goods? The service tax department says it is a service while the sales tax department says it is sale of goods. The GST will resolve the issue. The Government too will be benefitted. It is anticipated that the GDP of the economy will be increased by $500 billion and exports will also increase by 15%. Beginning of GST:- The Thirteenth Finance Commission, as constituted by the President on November 13, 2007 to give recommendations regarding the Central-State Fiscal relations during the year 2010-15. The Commission recommended a model GST structure and also recommended a grant

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rce on GST that it will be postponed till 01.10.2010 due to oppositions raised by states which is again delayed by 01.04.2011. In the middle:- On oppositions made by states, Government presented a revised draft bill of GST in order to arriving at consensus with the states. In the revised bill Government has provided veto power to the Union Finance Minister relating to state subjects matters on taxation issues. Then after Finance minister had offered some concessions on major demands of states relating to simplification of tax administration and replacement of multiple levies of taxes like CST, VAT, Excise, Service tax into a single tax. Government also proposed dual rate system to be included in GST system but because of this new system states may have revenue loss in initial year of implementation of GST. For this it was cleared by the government for compensation to states for switchover to the new tax regime including special incentives to those states such as Punjab and Haryana for

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f this amendment. On coming of oppositions from many states, Centre has given up on the matter of veto powers given to the Union Finance Minister. The veto power has been withdrawn from the constitutional amendment bill on GST with giving a statement that central FM had no any intention of becoming the Super Finance Minister to interfere with the State GST. In the latest meeting of state finance ministers and centre for GST, held on 20.09.2010 many states has accepted the approach of new draft of GST bill except few mainly Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh who still have different viewpoint. In that meeting the Madhya Pradesh government given an idea of an alternative model of the GST and BJP rules states has supported to it. Also some other states have allotted one month time for consideration to make their opinion on revised bill. In the meeting the states has stressed on retention of their rights and wished some more changes in the proposed Act. Next what? Recently, while addressing an int

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Scrutiny of ST-3 Returns

F.No. V/DGST/30-Misc-8/2005 Pt Dated:- 11-10-2010 Order-Instruction – Circulars – Service Tax – D.G.S.T., Mumbai Letter F.No. V/DGST/30-Misc-8/2005 Pt. dated 11-10-2010 Subject : Scrutiny of ST-3 Returns – Regarding. Please find enclosed herewith copy of Board s letter F.No. 137/158/2008-CX.4, dt. 9 th August, 2010 (not printed) emphasizing the importance of an effective return scrutiny mechanism in Service Tax and inter alia highlighting the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Finance on Demand for Grants (2010-11) with regard to the need for subjecting the service tax returns to strict scrutiny, and the observations of the Member (Service Tax), CBEC for ensuring a reinforced compliance verification syst

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ditional revenue collected) should invariably be provided in the Annexure-XII-B of MTR currently being submitted to DGST, in the following modified format, with effect from the MTR for the month of September, 2010. (Rs. in lakhs) O.B. of ST-3 returns pending scrutiny Receipts during the month Disposal during the month Clos-ing Bal-ance Age-wise Break up Remark, if any No. No. Total Returns scrutin-ized during the month. No. of Detect-ions involv-ing short pay-ment during the month Amt. of Service Tax invol-ved in the detect-ions

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Sagrika Goods & Services Pvt. Ltd. Versus Income-tax Officer, Wd-7 (3) , Kolkata

2013 (6) TMI 534 – ITAT KOLKATA – TMI – – Disallowance u/s 14A – CIT(A) restricted it to 1% only – Held that:- As on the issue of disallowance u/s. 14A, this Bench of the Tribunal has been taking a consistent view that this disallowance should be restricted to 1% of dividend income. Following the same, in this appeal also we hold that the disallowance u/s 14A for earning exempt dividend income should be restricted to 1% of dividend income.

Disallowance u/s. 94(7) – assessee has only challenged disallowance of loss in respect of transfer of units of Pru. ICICI Power Fund on the ground that all the three conditions as laid down in section 94(7) are not satisfied in this transaction – Held that:- In respect of Pru. ICICI Power Fund the units were purchased on 11.7.2003 and date of dividend was 24.10.2003 and 26.12.2003, therefore, the first condition as laid down in clause (a) of Sec. 94(7) that the units be purchased or acquired within a period of three months prior to the r

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as unjustified and wrong in directing the Assessing Officer to restrict the disallowance under section 14(A) of the I. T. Act as per the calculation of Rule 8D which came into force face only with effect from Assessment Year 2008-09 whereas the subject Appeal is for the Assessment Year 2005-06. (b) That the CIT(A) was unjustified in passing the orders for disallowance for the amount under section 14(A) though there is no expenses incurred by the company and erred in not following the judgment in the case of CIT Vs. United Colleries Pvt. Ltd. 1994 ITR 203/857 of Calcutta High Court). 2. That the Ld. CIT(A) was wrong in confirming the disallowances of ₹ 75,505/- under section 94(7) of the Income Tax Act though this provision was not applicable as the Mutual Fund units was acquired beyond 3 months from record date as stated by the Assessing Officer in his Assessment Order itself. 3. The Ld. CIT(A) was not justified in confirming the disallowance of certain expenses incurred on accou

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rities, mutual funds etc. The company also derived income during the year from dividend in course of carrying its business activities the company incurred expenditure on various administrative heads including salary electricity, telephone, staff welfare etc. He also stated that dividend income is incidental to the investment business which the company has been carrying. Certain shares/units were held as investment from earlier years and dividend accrued on the same. The expenses incurred are statutorily required to maintain and keep the company its accounts and compliances of various legal formalities and will have to be incurred in the same manner even if there is no dividend income or exempted income. On perusal of the reply of the assessee and on perusal of the accounts, the Assessing Officer held that the assessee failed to bifurcate the expenditure claimed in the light of section 14A of the Act and have applied pro rata basis the expenses claimed and disallowed a sum of ₹ 1,

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end and disallowance is uncalled for. The assessee also submitted that in case CIT vs United Collieries Pvt. Ltd (1993) 203 ITR 857 (Cal) and in case of ITO vs AP Financial Corporation (1984) 8 ITD 473 it has been held that the expenditure towards the dividend cannot be disallowed if actually there was no expenses. The Ld CIT (Appeal) did not appreciate these facts and though did not agree with A.O s disallowance of proportionate expenses but direct that the Rule 8D should be applied and the expenses disallowance should be restricted to the amount calculated under Rule 8D. The Ld. CIT(A) also did not appreciate that Rule 8D was applicable only from 24.03.2008 and the relevant assessment year under appeal is much earlier to this. He, therefore, submitted that the Ld. CIT(A) was wrong in not giving the relief by deleting the disallowance of expenses made by the Assessing Officer u/s. 14A of the Act and prayed before the bench to set aside the orders of the lower authorities and delete th

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tal loss of ₹ 1,03,842.17 on transfer of MF as claimed by the assessee attracts the provision of sec. 94(7) of the I. T. Act because the funds were acquired within 3 months from the record date of dividend and the original units were transferred within 9 months from the record date and suffered loss. During the course of hearing, assessee was asked to show cause as to why the provision of sec. 94(7) should not be applicable for the above loss. No satisfactory reply was given. Hence, the above loss of ₹ 1,03,842.17 was ignored as per the provision of section 94(7) of the I. T. Act and the same was added to the total income of the assessee. In appeal, the Ld. CIT(A) confirmed this action of the Assessing Officer. Aggrieved by the said order, now the assessee is in appeal before us. 7. At the time of hearing before us, the Ld. Counsel for the assessee submitted the following : The brief facts relating to this issue are that the assessee is a private limited company engaged in

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edemption of units are reproduced below in the following chart : Particulars Purchase date Purchase price Units purchased Dividend date Re-invested Dividend Amount Sale date Units sold Sale price Gain/loss DSP Merrill Lynch Oppor Fund 12/12/2003 994,098.44 59455.647 @ 16.72/unit 19/01/2004 178,366.00 13/04/2004 59349.16 @16.51/Unit 981,612.73 – 12,485 .68 Pru. ICICI Power (D) 23/07/2003 100,000.00 7067.1378 @ 14.15/unit 25/07/2003 14,134.28 19/04/2004 7067.1378 @ 12.19 86,148.40 – 13,851 .59 Pru.ICICI Power (D) 11/07/2003 300,000.00 16565.4335 @ 18.11/unit 24/10/2003 26/12/2003 77,505.49 94,805.82 19/04/2004 17626.321 @ 12.19 214,864.85 – 85,135 .14 During the year under appeal, the assesee earned dividend income but due to the effect of the above transactions there was a capital loss of ₹ 1,03,842.17 (12485.68 +13851 +77505.49). The Assessing Officer, however, disallowed the said loss which was incurred on sale of aforesaid units alleging that the said transactions are hit by th

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amount of dividend or income received or receivable on such securities or unit, shall be ignored for the purposes of computing his income chargeable to tax. In view of the foregoing, it is submitted that the provisions of sec.94(7) are not applicable to the assessee in respect of loss of ₹ 77,505/- (being restricted to dividend income) for transfer of units of Pru. ICICI Power Fund as the following three conditions are cumulatively required to be satisfied by the assessee in order to fall within the purview of sec.94(7) of the IT Act, which are narrated as under : (i) The shares/units must be purchased within a period of three months prior to the record date; and (ii) a) The shares must be sold within a period of three months after such date; or b) The units must be sold within a period of nine months after such date; and (iii) The dividend income earned from such securities/units should be exempt from tax. In the instant case, in case of purchase and sale of units of DSP Merril

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dition is also satisfied. Hence, the provisions of sec. 94(7) of the I. T. Act are applicable in respect of transfer of these units of Pru. ICICI Power fund. However, in respect of another set of units of Prudential ICICI Power Fund: The date of purchase was 11th July, 2003. The record date for declaration of dividend was 24th October, 2003. Therefore, the 1st condition i.e. purchase of the units within a period of 3 months prior to the record date is not satisfied. This itself shows that the provisions of section 94(7) of the Act arc not applicable in respect of transfer of such units. Again, these units were sold on 19th April, 2004 which means that the 2 condition viz, that these units should be sold within a period of 9 months from the record date is satisfied. However, although the second condition is satisfied, the capital loss incurred by the assessee on redemption of aforementioned units of Pru. ICICI Power Fund is not liable for disallowance under sec.94(7) in view of the fact

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for incorporating The relevant portions of the said circular is reproduced hereunder for the sake of ready reference. 56. Measures to curb creation of short-term losses by certain transactions in securities and units. 56.1. Under the existing provisions contained in Section 94, whether the owner of any securities enters into transactions of sale and re-purchase of those securities which result the interest or dividend in respect of such securities being received by a person other than such owner, the transactions are to be ignored and the interest or dividend from such securities is required to be included in the total income of the owner. 56.2. The existing provisions did not cover a case where a person buys securities (including units of a mutual fund) shortly before the record date fixed for declaration of dividends, and sells the same shortly after the record date. Since the cum-dividend price or which the securities are purchased would normally be higher than the ex-dividend pric

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of such person. As is clearly evident, the aforesaid circular uses the word and and not or . In view of the same, the intention of the Board was very clear that all the conditions prescribed in sec.94(7) of the Act are to be cumulatively satisfied. In the instant case, the conditions of three months before and nine months after the record date for purchase and sale respectively have not been satisfied in respect of aforementioned units of Pru-ICICI Power Fund cumulatively. In this regard, perusal of the statements of demat account of the assessee as maintained in CIII Bank, copies of which were already enclosed during the course of assessment, confirms the purchase date, record date and redemption date of the said units of mutual fund. Therefore, the allegation of the Ld. CIT(A) that the assessee has failed to bring on record any evidence in support of its claim is also not correct. Examination of these statements clearly shows that purchase of these units were made more than three mon

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mstances, one should construct the provisions of sec.94(7) in such a manner so as to place least restriction on an individual s i.e. assessee s rights. Therefore, in view of above, it is submitted that all the conditions laid down in clauses (a), (b) and (c) have to be satisfied before the said provisions can be applied in respect of transfer of aforementioned units of Pru. ICICI Power fund. In this connection, reliance is placed on the judgment of the Hon ble ITAT Delhi in the case of Income Tax Officer Vs. Shambhu Mercantile Ltd. reported in (2008) 116 TTJ 784, wherein it was held as follows : For application of sub-section (7) of sec. 94, all the three conditions mentioned in cls. (a), (b) and (c) thereof must be cumulatively satisfied; conditions of three months before and after record date for purchase and sale respectively of units having not been satisfied cumulatively in all the transactions, loss incurred in those transactions could not be disallowed by invoking sub-s. (7) of

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ion of all the three conditions. Thus, the view of the CBDT is also that all the conditions prescribed in sec. 94(7) are to be cumulatively satisfied and not otherwise. Therefore, in view of the above, it is submitted that the disallowance made by the Assessing Officer and sustained by the CIT on account of the claim of non-applicability of the provisions of sec. 94(7) of the Act in respect of transfer of aforementioned units of Pru. ICICI Power Fund on the alleged ground that each of the conditions laid down in sec. 94(7) is independent and if an assessee satisfies any one of the conditions, then he should be held to be covered within the mischief of the law, is bad in law and uncalled for. 8. The Ld. D.R. on the other hand, relied on the orders of the lower authorities. 9. I have heard the rival submissions and perused the material available on record and also the case laws cited by the Ld. Counsel for the assessee. I find that during the year under appeal, the assessee purchased and

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nt dates of purchase and sale of units and date of receipt of dividend are not in dispute. In respect of Pru. ICICI Power Fund the units were purchased on 11.7.2003 and date of dividend was 24.10.2003 and 26.12.2003, therefore, the first condition as laid down in clause (a) of Sec. 94(7) that the units be purchased or acquired within a period of three months prior to the record date is not satisfied. Therefore, following the ratio as laid down in the judgment of the Hon ble ITAT, Delhi bench in the case of Income Tax Officer Vs. Shambhu Mercantile Ltd. reported in (2008) 116 TTJ 784, wherein it was held that for application of sub-section 7 of section 94 all the three conditions mentioned in clauses (a), (b) and (c) thereof must be cumulatively satisfied, I hold that the provisions of section 94(7) are not attracted in respect of this transaction and, therefore, the authorities below are not justified to disallow the claim of the assessee in respect of loss suffered by him on sale of u

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Administration in GST – Moving Upstairs or Downstairs

Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – Pradeep Jain – Dated:- 21-8-2010 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – Introduction: Too many cooks spoil the broth perhaps this would have been in the thoughts of Group on Implementation of GST while analyzing the organizational structure for GST. This group is a committee constituted by the Government that has been framed to analyze all the aspects which will be affected by implementation of GST. On 12.07.2010, the Group has given their report. In this article, we are discussing the administrative changes proposed by the Group under GST regime. * Organizational Structure proposed under GST: – The Group has recommended that the organizational structure under the GST regime should be on functional basis rather than on territorial jurisdiction basis. The present organizational structure is based on territorial jurisdiction and one office i.e. Range handles all the different functions pertaining to units falling under their jurisdiction. Thus, one office h

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ere units are located at one place. In the case of Multi Locational units (MLU) belonging to same assessee is co-ordinated by the office of ADG (Audit). Proposal for GST:- Looking to the success and achievements of DGCEI, it is being accepted that an entity entrusted with a specialized function snatch a better result. As such, it is proposed that separate and exclusive Commissionerates should be set up for audit and anti-evasion work. For the taxpayers having Multi-locational units (MLU) in a state, for high revenue-paying units and for some of the complex business sectors, it is recommended that the Audit must be conducted by Audit Commissionerates. And for other assessees, it is proposed that the jurisdictional GST Commissionerates should do the Audit work. Within the Audit Commissionerates, it is proposed that there should be specialized Cells for specific industry or sector. For example, specialized audit groups for banking and financial services in Mumbai, for Mining Industry in C

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cause notice will be issued? To whom they will be replied and the consequences of these notices will be followed up by whom? If the Audit Commissionerate is itself going to accomplish all these tasks, one can presume of a day when the audit Commissionerate will be indulged in routine matters like follow up which in present system is carried on by the officers of lower rank. Anti-Evasion Commissionerates: – Present Scenario: Anti-evasion work is done by three types of teams – (i) Anti-evasion wing of the Commissionerate Headquarters; (ii) Preventive units of the Divisions; and (iii) Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI). Out of the three, the DGCEI is carrying out the work of intelligence and investigation at national level. It is top-ranked of three as regards quality of cases booked, value of goods and amount of duty involved in offence cases. The reason is being analyzed as this is an independent and specialized entity devoting its 100% in this particular task on

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equired to be centralized at the headquarters. They can be placed at different places within the state which will be as per the administrative requirements. However, whether all the staff will be fit for every location? The Group itself has proposed the establishment of specialized cells for specific industry or sector. Working there for certain time will adversely affect their competency in a different sector. It is also proposed to divide the Commissionerates on functional basis which will also affect the movability of the staff and their services. It will also be limited to that particular function. If they are moved to another sector/department, it will reduce the quality of work. Further, if it is decided to transfer the staff on a frequent basis, it will increase the related costs to government and will reduce the sense of responsibility amongst them. * Supervision of Work: – The Group has recommended that Audit/Anti-evasion work at Commissionerates should be supervised by office

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tate dealers. Thus, it has been provided that a uniform organizational structure for the entire country would not work and different types of organizational structure is required depending upon dispersal/diversity of assessees in an area. The Group has recommended following types of Commissionerates which will have a clearly defined geographical jurisdiction: (a) One-tier functional Commissionerate (b) Two-tier functional Commissionerate (c) Three-tier territorial Commissionerate One-Tier functional Commissionerate: – Characteristics:- · It is proposed for cities having large concentration of assessees. · It will be formed on functional basis. · It will comprise of different divisions wherein specific functions like registration, processing of returns, refund, adjudication, administration, appeal, recovery of arrears etc. will be performed. · Each division may further have sub-divisions. This type of Commissionerate will promote specialization and improve ef

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Division B (Territorial) Division C (Territorial) Division D (Territorial) Division E (Territorial) Registration Refund/ Arrears / Recovery Adjudication /Legal Administration Audit Return Processing Three-tier territorial Commissionerate: – Characteristics:- · It is proposed where the assessees are spread over a large area like in present Central Excise Commissionerates of Belgaum, Meerut-II, Guwahati, etc. · This is designed on the present structure of Commissionerates with Divisions and Ranges based upon the territorial jurisdictions. Commissionerate Division A (Territorial) Division B (Territorial) Division C (Territorial) Division E (Territorial) Division D (Territorial) Range-I

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r the entire State. Thus, one Commissionerate will have the legal backing to conduct checks, verifications, audit and anti-evasion functions of an assessee in the entire state. * Other Recommendations: – The present ACES work on a C-D-R (Commissionerate-Division-Range) mapping. It is proposed to modify the same to suit the new organizational structure. Since the entire proposal of GST is based on online submissions – whether it is registration, return filing or processing of return. As such, modification of the ACES is must for proper implementation of GST. * Number of Commissionerates in GST: – Under GST regime, the Group has proposed that there should be 150 GST Commissionerates, 45 Audit Commissionerates (To audit Customs Post-clearance Audit also) and 20 Anti-evasion Commissionerates. This has been proposed on the estimate that there will be about 35,000 to 50,000 assessees per Commissionerate depending upon the dispersal of the assessees. And it was also felt that the number of ta

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and is assessee under the jurisdiction of specified Income Tax Commissionerates of Bangalore, Chennai Mumbai or Delhi. The LTUs have been given the benefit of transfer of credit from one LTU to another and the removal of goods from one unit to another without payment of duty. A point was raised during the discussion as to whether the LTU should be continued. The Group was satisfied with the encouraging results of LTU functioning at the four places and has proposed that the LTUs should continue at the State level for CGST, SGST and IGST. However, the Group has felt that whether the present benefits or special dispensation given to LTU should be continued is a policy issued and the Board has to decide the same. It has been said in the report that the benefits given to the LTU would not be relevant under GST. Thus, it is required to be decided to continue the LTU concept or not. If the LTU concept is continued then the entire legal provision of giving option to the unit to join LTU is to

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GST Council not to Disturb or Alter Primacy of Legislature in the area of Taxation: FM – Shri Mukherjee calls Upon the State Finance Ministers to make all efforts to meet the timelines of Introduction of GST by april 2011 – FM’s Address at meeti

GST Council not to Disturb or Alter Primacy of Legislature in the area of Taxation: FM – Shri Mukherjee calls Upon the State Finance Ministers to make all efforts to meet the timelines of Introduction of GST by april 2011 – FM’s Address at meeting with Empowered Committee of state Finance Ministers – Dated:- 18-8-2010 – The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee had a meeting with the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers to finalize the draft Constitutional Amendments on Goods and Services Tax, here today. Addressing the meeting, the Finance Minister emphasized that the primacy of the Legislature in the area of taxation is supreme and inalienable and that the proposed draft on GST did not seek to disturb or alter this in any manner. Highlighting the importance of the GST Council, Shri Mukherjee said that the collective wisdom of the Council would be a valuable resource in benchmarking rates, exemptions, thresholds and other key parameters for both the Centre and the Sta

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011 deadline. During our last meeting on the 21st of July, 2010 I had shared with you the first draft of the Constitutional Amendment required for the introduction of GST which was prepared by the officials based on discussions in the Joint Working Group. I have been informed that the Empowered Committee held intense discussions on this draft in its meeting on the 4th of August, 2010. Similarly, the second revised draft has been discussed at length in the meeting of the Empowered Committee held this morning. My team has apprised me of the views expressed by the States in these meetings. I am aware, therefore, of the apprehensions that most of you have voiced regarding the proposed amendments. Based on feedback I received, it seems that your deepest concern has been the perceived sacrifice of fiscal autonomy owing to two provisions in this draft – one, the role of the GST Council and two, the so-called 'veto' power assigned to the Union Finance Minister as the Chairperson of the

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ll the States are not similar. It was perhaps in recognition of this fact that our Constitution makers erected a federal structure that leans in favour of the Centre at least in the area of fiscal relations. It was in this background that the scheme of functioning of the GST Council in the proposed draft envisaged a slightly larger role for the Centre vis-a-vis the States. The binding nature of GST Council decisions has also drawn comment from the perspective of loss of autonomy. Although the loss of autonomy was clearly bilateral and mutual, the problem we are faced with is a difficult one. On the one hand, we wish to put in place a system where adherence to the commonly accepted structure of rates, exemption etc. would be the norm, yet we do not wish to be fettered in our actions. Recognising this dichotomy, it has been proposed in the revised draft that the decisions of the GST Council would be recommendations to the Union and the States. Since these decisions would be taken by cons

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ement Authority. It is our considered view that in the amendment, there should be a provision for setting up an independent and autonomous forum to resolve disputes which may arise due to rate variations which may violate the harmonized structure of GST. With your rich experience in the introduction and implementation of VAT, a moment's reflection would convince you of the need for such a mechanism. I recognize that this is uncharted territory for all of us. But that should not make us oblivious of its genuine need. Apart from these substantive issues, some of the States have expressed concerns about the subsumation of taxes such as entry tax and entertainment or amusement tax levied and collected by local bodies. I am sure, the Joint Working Group set up to draft the Constitutional Amendments will be able to take care of most of these issues when they prepare the third revised draft. I learn that during this morning's discussions, some State Finance Ministers expressed reserva

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tion. I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that the Empowered Group on IT Infrastructure has already started the work to put in place a common portal for GST and it has also been decided that the proposed Special Purpose Vehicle for IT would be incubated in the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). This would fast-track the development of IT infrastructure. CENTRAL SALES TAX (CST) Now we come to the issue of CST compensation. You may kindly recall that the policy intent for the introduction of GST was announced by the Union Finance Minister in his Budget Speech in February 2006. As a step forward, the Union Cabinet approved the roadmap for the phase out of CST in February 2007 on the basis of the agreement reached between Government of India and Empowered Committee of the Finance Ministers of the States. The Union Government agreed to reduce the CST, which comes under the Union List, from 4% in March 2007 to 0% by April 2010. It was also agreed that States

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mmittee requesting for compensation for CST on the basis of the existing formula as also to ensure that no double deduction on account of Form D is made. At this stage, I will only like to highlight the main difference between the last year and the current year which is, while the States had not increased the basic VAT rate from 4% to 5% last year, the EC has taken a decision to do so from the current year. It is only fair that the additional revenue accruing to the States on account of this increase in basic VAT rate from 4% to 5% may also be taken into consideration while reckoning the compensation of CST due from the Centre to the States, as had been agreed to by the EC in 2007. I have asked my officers to call an early meeting of Joint Working Group and complete the consultation process. As regards pending CST compensation claims, I understand that most of the additional amount due on account of the decision to fully compensate the States has been released to all States. It is furt

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GST.. in its way…

Goods and Service Tax – GST – By: – Mr. M. GOVINDARAJAN – Dated:- 17-8-2010 Last Replied Date:- 30-12-1899 – INTRODUCTION: The Central Government has fixed the target to implement GST by 1st April, 2010. Even though the Finance Ministry thought that the roll out may be taken beyond the targeted day it is still in the hope of implementing by the fixed date. The following are the challenges are to be faced: * Constitutional provisions; * Tax assignments vis-à-vis revenue sharing; * Overall level of rates of tax; * Type of rate structures; * Development of a common market and * Successful operation of tax information exchange system as reported by Dr. Shome. CONSENSUS: At present consensus has been emerged on the proposed goods and service tax structure between the Central Government and the State Government- * To adopt a dual rate structure – a lower rate and a standard rate for goods at the inception of GST; * To have a common list of exemptions for both Central GST and State GS

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7; 50,000 crore to compensate the states eventuality of any dip in their share of revenues in 2013, ₹ 40,000 crore in 2014 and ₹ 30,000 crore in 2015. This they have done out of the confidence that revenues of both the States and the Centre will not be impacted. PETROLEUM UNDER GST: On 04.08.2010 the Hon'ble Finance Minister announced in the Lok Sabha that petroleum products should come under the GST net. For this decision the Finance Minister justified as that he felt that the variation in petroleum product prices across the country could be taken care of if the Centre and the States bring petroleum products within GST and this will be the win-win game. He further added that GST can address the problems of the fluctuating price at least domestically. This is the decision against the consent given by the Centre and the State to keep petroleum product out of the GST net. GST COUNCIL: The Centre will create a GST council headed by the Finance Minister. The Council will ha

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ill be replaced by one GST. CONSTITUITIONAL AMENDMENT: If GST is to be introduced with effect from 1st April, 2010 the constitutional amendment should be introduced in the Parliament in this session. The Constitutional amendment bill is to be examined by the Standing Committee and ratified by 15 states. There may be four options in the Constitutional amendment: * I option – allowing centre and states to levy and collect GST via entries in the Union and State lists; * II option – to implement GST by creating a fourth list called simultaneous list; * III Option – to empower Union and States to levy GST notwithstanding constitution; * IV Option – centre and states to enter into an agreement by amending Article 278(A) to implement GST. The formation of GST council and veto power will be form part of the constitutional amendment. The states are not satisfied with this. This is for the time since the Constitution was enacted that a tax base is proposed to be shared between the centre and sta

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As per the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, India's exports of goods and services are expected to double by 2014.

As per the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, India s exports of goods and services are expected to double by 2014. – Dated:- 16-8-2010 – Government reviews the export performance of the various sectors through consultation with the Export Promotion Councils (EPC) and the Trade & Industry on continuous basis and based on the suggestions so received, extends need based support measures from time to time as per the requirement and the revenue implications thereof. Based on the sectoral review cond

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Rates of Service Tax or Rates of GST on services provided or to be provided shall have link to payment in certain situations says CBEC in Draft Rules – But, what is the relevant date?

Service Tax – By: – C.A. Surender Gupta – Dated:- 6-8-2010 – CBEC has issued a draft circular addressing various issues relating of determination of rate of taxes in the various circumstances [See Draft Rules with Explanatory Notes] While analyzing the draft circular, I got perplexed with the query, that what is the relevant date which in my view CBEC must address while issuing final rules otherwise it would lead more confusions and complexities. What is relevant date? Since, CBEC has tried to introduce clarity and certainty in the matter of levy and collection of service tax particularly in situations of change of rate of service tax or imposition of service tax on new services and linked this issue with the time of receipt of payment, CB

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ied as under: 1 Cash transaction Relevant date shall be the date when cash is actually received by the service provider. 2 Transfer through negotiable instruments e.g. Cheque / DD etc. Relevant date shall be the date when the instrument is tendered with the bank by the service provider for clearance provided the same is honored. Where the instrument is dishonored, it should be treated as non receipt. 3 Electronic transfer e.g. NEFT / RTGS / Credit Cards etc. Relevant date shall be the date when the payment is received by the service provider 4 Barter transactions / exchange of services or receipt of consideration in lieu of money Relevant date shall be the date when the services shall be performed actually by the each party. What is relevan

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5 the term date of receipt of payment has been used. In Rule 6 of the Draft Rules, the concept of date of receipt of payment is used. In rule 7 of the Draft Rules, again contrary terms have been used which again may lead to confusion. In Rule 7(a)(i) and (ii), the concept of date of payment has been used whereas in rule 7(a)(iii) the concept of date of receipt of payment has been used. In rule 8 of the Drafts Rules, the concept of date of payment has been used. In rule 9 of the Draft Rules, the concept of date of receipt has been used. Justification It may be so that Board has something different in mind for using different terms at different places, but those aspects must be clarified. The use of concept of the term date of payment seems t

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Dated:- 4-8-2010 – On GST, stated position After careful consideration of the issues raised by the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers, we have revised our position to accommodate the concerns of the State Governments. The Central Government is willing to consider a phased approach for the introduction of GST. In a departure from its earlier stand, the Central Government is also willing to accept a dual rate structure in the transitory phase leading eventually to a model GST . The revised position on some of the key issues is as follows: Exempted List At present, 99 commodities are in the exempted list of VAT. States propose to keep these in the exempted list of SGST. The Central Government would align its exemption list with th

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ge of turnover without input tax credit) should be uniform for CGST and SGST at ₹ 50 lakh per annum. However, Centre could consider a higher threshold of ₹ 1 crore if the States also agree to raise the limit. Rate Structure As you would recall in the meeting held on 13th January, 2010, FM had clearly stated that the ideal position would be to adopt a single rate structure with a common rate for goods and services. However, to facilitate the introduction of GST regime by 1st April, 2011, the Central Government proposes to keep CGST merit/lower rate for goods at 6% and standard rate at 10%. The services will be charged at 8%. Our request to the States will be to consider keeping the same rates i.e. the lower rate for SGST at 6%, s

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